sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017

Welcome To The Guacharo Cava National Park

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El Guácharo National Park is a Venezuelan national park located in the eastern section of the Mountainous System of the Caripe Mountain Range, in the Cerro Negro, Cerro Papelón and Cerro El Periquito ranges of the Caripe Mountain Range, between Monagas State And the Sucre state. It occupies part of the municipalities Caripe, Acosta, Piar and Bolivar (Monagas) and Ribero (Sucre).

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Gabriela Rivas 


The mountainous landscape, with uneven relief, given by a very dense hydrography that results in narrow valleys bounded by strongly inclined slopes. There is a very common tree, the copey and Clusia alata. Among others are Laurel, El guayabito, paneco and platanillo. Associated with these trees are tree ferns and a large number of epiphytes and climbers. Abundant orchids or the so-called May flower; Recognized as the National Flower of Venezuela. 

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The fauna of the park is diverse, among the mammals are the monkey araguato Alouatta seniculus, the capuchin monkey Cebus nigrivittatus, the barnacle Tayassu tajacu, the tiger or jaguar Panthera Onca, puma or American lion Felis concolor tigrillo Leopardus wiedii, Water dogPteronura brasiliensis.   

                              Resultado de imagen para mono araguato

 Denice Mestre 


The delicious house of Monagas accompanies The veal head baked in The style ot The savannah it is The representative dish of the moturinese region sancocho de gooraguara sancocho de bisco, san cocho Empanada de pollo, Arepa pelada  Sancocho of Fish or Fried Fish, Consomé of Chipichipi, Cachapa de Maíz, among others

                     Resultado de imagen para comida del estado monagas

 Wilkeidy Díaz


Promulgated National Park on May 27, 1975, under decree No. 943. It is named after the presence of a bird called Guácharo, which is reddish brown, striped in black and mottled in white, the only frugivorous bird that feeds At night and stay in the caves during the day, building their nests in the heights of the caves. Besides its tourist value, it is the source of the most important water reservoirs in the northeastern states of the country. Most of the park has the Municipality Caripebut also shares it with the municipality of Monagas Acosta and a part of the Rivero municipality of the state of Sucre. In front of the cave there is a beautiful waterfall that represents a pleasant place to share with the family. The route is also made by a road that is inside the mountain. The Cave is subdivided in three great galleries, the Guácharo Gallery, the Gallery of the Silence and the Gallery of the Beautiful Hall. The constant dripping of water has created formations that claim to resemble human forms, animals and even religious figures such as the face of Jesus Christ (a stalactite eroded by the wind), the Virgin of Coromoto and the Virgin of the Valley, among others. In front of the cave there is a beautiful waterfall that represents a pleasant place to share with the family. The route is also made by a road that is inside the mountain.
Resultado de imagen para turismo en el estado monagas
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